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We are walking in the answered prayers of those who came before us. Let's build on this legacy by elevating student experiences with intentionality and care. We want our campus to be a reflection of our spirit of excellence.

We can gain more ground together than we ever could on our own. Thank you for helping Florida Christian School go from strength to strength. Because of you, we are turning big dreams into a reality.

Current Sponsorship Opportunities


Athletic Spaces

Athletic spaces are often the hub of the school where students, families, and alumni gather together all year long. Our plans are to elevate the experience inside the Alumni Gym and outside on our fields.

click to give

Thank you to our sponsors!




Grandparents Club

By joining our Grandparents Club, you are directly impacting the education and growth of your grandchild(ren) and future generations of Patriots to come.

VIEW THE DECKjoin the club



FCS Athletics Teams

This campaign aims to support and equip our FCS Athletics so that our student-athletes can shine on and off the field.

sponsor a team