Student Life
There's a place for you!
Campus life is about finding your niche. Whether your student participates in athletics, is an artist, or an academic, there’s a place for them to plug-in and be part of Patriot Nation! Our students have several opportunities to participate in social activities in a SAFE Christian environment.
On-Campus Connections
Not every lesson needed for life can be taught and learned in the classroom. So, we offer our students numerous opportunities to take trips. Our Junior and Senior classes take a class retreat in conjunction with our semi-annual Spiritual Emphasis Weeks. We also have educational field trips planned through the different clubs, Honors, and Scholars programs. In addition to competitions, each of our fine arts departments take an annual trip to places like New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Nashville, and even Japan! These trips provide educational enrichment, but we are sure to make time for fun activities and a chance for students to make memories for a lifetime!
After school, the opportunities to be involved in campus life are wide open. We have 11 different sports, clubs ranging from photography to engineering, and even academic competitions like Brain bowl teams competing nationally.
Spirit week coincides with our annual homecoming game and provides students with opportunities to unite as a class through fun competitions and build school spirit by participating in pep–rallies and designing banners to cheer on our teams!
Lifelong Connections
Connect with Friends – by getting involved in campus life. When students plug into one of these groups, they begin to form relationships with people who have common interests. These bonds can grow into life-long friendships that have even carried over to the next generation.
Connect with Faculty – by building positive relationships with teachers outside of the classroom. At FCS, your child is more than just a name or number. Our dedicated faculty invest in the lives of their students, serving as mentors who pray for and disciple your child personally. They attend their games and performances, chaperone retreats and trips and serve as class sponsors, all to support the things that matter to their students and show they care about them as an individual. In Luke 2:52 we read that “Jesus grew in wisdom and in stature and in favor with God and man.” Our goal is to partner with you as parents to help them grow as Jesus did… academically, physically, spiritually, and socially!
Connect with the Community – by participating in local charity events, performances and competitions, and other service projects. Our Service Clubs and Honors Societies provide ample opportunities to give back to our school and the community. When students serve in their community, they see how their faith put into practice affects others. It provides the opportunity to develop character and valuable leadership skills that will help them become productive members of society.